When you find that your vehicle is becoming harder to control out on the road, it might be time for new shocks. You will often hear that you need to change your shocks at certain intervals, usually based on how many miles you have driven. The exact number varies on the terrain you drive on usually. Driving on smooth roads will take less of a toll on your shocks than driving on rougher roads. How can a vehicle owner in Fairview Heights, IL determine if they need new shocks? Here’s what you should know.

Your Suspension System
The suspension system in your car works like the muscles in your body. In the same way that your back and abdominal muscles support your spine to keep you standing, the shocks and struts in your car will balance out the movement of your car. Without them, you would have very little control over the actions you take in your car, whether it be things as simple as breaking, changing speed, or keeping your car stable with the road.
Warning Signs of Damaged Shocks
Many different signs could indicate that you have bad shocks, but look out for these potential signs:
- The front-end dips when breaking
- Unevenly worn tires
- Clunking/Knocking noise when going over potholes
- Wobbly turns
And more.
Bringing Your Vehicle In

If you believe that your suspension system has a problem, do not hesitate to bring it in. Ignoring the problem could make the situation worse, making it increasingly more dangerous to drive. Give us a call at Full Circle Auto Service. Not only can our team of experts fix your vehicle’s suspension, but we also provide a variety of other services.