Drivers across the Collinsville, IL area understand the feeling that washes over when you see that your dashboard has a warning light. These lights can have many different meanings and it is best to try and figure out why your vehicle’s warning light would be on.

Dashboard Warning Signs That You May See
Engine Oil Level
This warning sign is commonly ignored by people for too long. It is commonly represented by oil dripping out of your vehicle’s engine on the dashboard. This sign usually means that either your car is in need of an oil change, or it is leaking oil. Either way, once you see this sign make sure you check the oil yourself or take your vehicle to your nearest mechanic.
The Battery Warning Light
This type of light is displayed as being a battery with positive and negative nodes on either side and shows that the vehicle’s battery’s voltage is low. This means that for some reason, your car’s charging system is not properly working. If you ignore this sign, then your car may end up not starting. This means that you need to make sure you get this looked at as soon as you see this light come on.
Tire Pressure Sensor
Usually, this appears on the dashboard as being an exclamation point. This is representing that at least one of your tires are operating at a below-normal pressure. Once you see this light make sure that you fill your tires as soon as possible. If not properly handled this could lead you to deal with an underinflated tire that can cause a blowout.
Hot Warning Light
The red mercury thermometer shows that your vehicle’s engine has overheated. When this happens, you need to immediately pull over to a safe location and open up the hood. From this point, you will want to contact a tow truck and describe your location to them. You do not want to continue driving with an overheated engine, it could lead to either complete destruction of your engine, or the cylinder head warping.
Check Engine Light

This light is a quite common one that can appear. It shows that your system has identified a major misfire that can go from a not-tightened gas cap to an issue that impairs the catalytic converter. If you see this light make sure you bring this into your nearest autobody shop as soon as it comes on. To make sure that the issue can be resolved in a professional manner.
If you have any questions or want us to look at your vehicle, call our professionals at Full Circle Auto Service today!