No matter if you are a weekday commuter or an in-town-only driver, your vehicle’s brakes will not last forever. The mileage on your vehicle may vary, but eventually, the wear and tear will create issues with your brakes. This is why it is crucial that you find a professional automotive shop in the O’Fallon, IL area that will do a brake check for you. Preventing you from having to deal with further issues in the future.
Warning Signs You Need a Brake Check
- Your Brake Lights Come On
This seems like a pretty obvious warning sign. Seeing lights on your car is something that is easily ignored, but when your brake light comes on, do not ignore it. Even if things seem fine, this light can indicate that something is wrong with your brakes.
- You Hear Noises When You Apply Your Brakes
When your vehicle is in need of a brake check you will typically hear a large sound when you use the brake. This noise can be one of two things. If you hear a grinding sound, your brake pad is thin and needs to be replaced. A squealing brake pad indicates that your pad has thinned but is not worn out yet.
- Your Car Pulls to One Side When You Brake
If your vehicle starts to pull to the right or left when you brake, this could mean that one of the calipers has gotten stuck in your braking system. This could also indicate that you have a brake fluid leak. No matter what the issue, bring it in for a brake check and we will make sure to solve the issue for you right away.
- Vibration or Shutter When Stopping
This can indicate that due to heat differences, your rotors are warped and need to be replaced.
- Brake Pedal Is Not Responsive
Having issues with your brakes responding can be a larger issue than most people would think. If you are pushing your brakes but they are slow to respond, this means you need to bring your vehicle to a professional auto body shop as soon as possible.

Brake Checks are Important
If your vehicle is having brake issues, bring it to Full Circle Auto Service and we will look at and fix the issue. No matter what the warning sign is, any issue with your brakes warrants a brake check. Give our team a call today to schedule one!